От лица хозяина^^
© seulement @ youtube
читать дальшеBi: Yes, this is my home. My true lodgings. This is my house. Whenever I finish my schedule, I come here and go to sleep. This is my room…I’ll show you around. Tada…that’s my bed, and that’s a Bi calendar. This is my TV which I always enjoy watching.
And if you look over here, you’ll see a secret door. What is this place? It’s where I keep my accessories and my collection of design books. If I were to explain each accessory…there are sunglasses here and my necklaces. And now, onto the living room…no..yes, onto the living room. Tada, someone drew this for me and gave it to me as a gift. Isn’t it drawn well? These are my parents’ wedding pictures. It’s hard to show them to you any closer. The one on the right is me when I was in junior high school. This is where we cook in our house! Yes, it’s the kitchen. What could be in the fridge? Nothing. In the freezer. Ahew, only healthy foods…ginger tea, dates. What is that? Looks like hot bean paste…and this is my herbal medicine. My health hasn’t been too good these days so I’ve been taking herbal medicine. Ok, now let’s look at the living room again…there’s an air conditioner. This is the kind of car I really want to buy later. It’s a hummer. It’s my dream car. And another point of pride…if I were to explain each award… top newcomer award (singer)…best new actor award…and another newcomer award here, most popular, and also top 10 newcomer award, etc.etc…many trophies…I think I’ve received too many awards…all I can think to say is thank you to my fans whenever I look at my awards.
The bathroom right next to my room looks like this. Here are the products I use to take a shower and my electric toothbrush. My fans gave that to me as a gift. Tada, here also are my shower stuff. Q-tips, and you can see my razor, right? The razor is an expensive one. Oi!! Here’s a familiar face… Here, you see my hats and my various winter clothes. And my belts. Yes, so how was it? This is what my house is like. And what else can I show you guys? I’ll go looking… (caption says, In the process of looking…). This picture here is of JYP, my director and me in a limo in the US. I had been invited by a promotion company so I’m on my way there in the limo and we took a picture in the car holding up wine glasses and other things. This picture I shouldn’t make public but the two women…the one of my left is my noona who takes care of things for me in the US and the one on my right is my coordinator noona. Aren’t they both pretty? They don’t have boyfriends. Introduce them to guys you know please. And this picture…this is from Universal Studios. Cha Tae Hyun and I took a picture with Shrek. And this picture is from the time I used to do TaeKwonDo. This is in Japan. All these people are KaRahDae (??) players. So I remember training with them. It was quite hard… Ahew, it was so cold…but look at my kicking pose. How cold must my feet have been?
Really, after this we took our shoes off and ran in the snowfield. It’s really hard to do. I’m going to publicize my topless picture…tada. I think I look like a Hong Kong actor in this picture. This was in Malaysia. I was on vacation there. This picture here was when I did my first game show with ParkKyoungRhim. We took a picture together. It’s already been about a year and 5 months since my debut. (with the breathing mask) My throat has not been good lately so I’ve been receiving some treatment.
And with this, Bi’s self-camera has ended for today.
© lovelee@ soompi, translation: p_ballereena @soompi
Может быть когда-нибудь я это переведу для соо...А тем временем Рейни
сделал нам ручкой и улетел в Америку, на церемонию вручения кинонаград MTV, которая пройдет 6 июня. Пиби, пхайтин! Мы тебя любим, мы в тебя верим, мы тебя поддерживаем!
Прибраться бы в ней не мешало)))
Теперь бы час водил, не меньше. С собачками бы поигрался там)))
Моя согласна ))))