All I want 4 Xmas Is U
The IA+ will know our famous 'This is War' signature dance move. The Shadow/Domino dance.
BUT KA+ knows it as 잔상춤(JanSangDance) it is the official name of Our Signature dance move that our YangLeader himself has named for us.
But sadly a very misinformed Journalist used our 잔상춤 to label Shinee's Dance move. The K Shawols not knowing it was Mblaq's Signature dance move name started assuming that it was for Shinee.
The KA+ was upset by this news as we were losing our Signature name that we were proud of & wrote a post letting the KShawols know of the misinformation.
Reading the post the Korean Shawols have agreed that the name of the dance belongs to A+ and MBLAQ
and Korean Shawols and Korean A+ had reached a mutual agreement.
The KShawols were going to change to a different name and it seemed everything was all wrapped up...
However, SHINee does not know about this and said on a radio program that "Our fans named our dance move as 잔상춤 (JansangDance)" for them.
So now we are afraid of losing our Signature dance name as Shinee's popularity will probably override our claims if this goes further w/o their knowledge.
KA+ & KShawols have been tweeting this misunderstanding all day yesterday but the Radio thing has made us worry and realized it was crucial to let Shinee themselves know of the situation.
We are trying to protect what is so precious to us! It is more precious as YangLeader himself gave the name and we have been using this name from 'Y' as well.
'Y' and 'This is War' are the only songs we actually Won #1 with so this Signature dance name is more precious to us than ever.
Shinee is a very big group and we are afraid that now everyone will relate our precious name w/ Shinee instead of Mblaq. It is too precious and dear to our A+s heart to lose. Plz help RT the ACTUAL TWEET LINKED below as it has the original post linked and it is mentioned to one of Shinee's member themselves so that they can also be aware of our situation.
Thanks!! Hwaiting A+ & Mblaq!
Help RT this actual tweet please:!/aplus0727/status/183442123843043328
IA+ - internationa A+
KA+ - Korean A+
BUT KA+ knows it as 잔상춤(JanSangDance) it is the official name of Our Signature dance move that our YangLeader himself has named for us.
But sadly a very misinformed Journalist used our 잔상춤 to label Shinee's Dance move. The K Shawols not knowing it was Mblaq's Signature dance move name started assuming that it was for Shinee.
The KA+ was upset by this news as we were losing our Signature name that we were proud of & wrote a post letting the KShawols know of the misinformation.
Reading the post the Korean Shawols have agreed that the name of the dance belongs to A+ and MBLAQ
and Korean Shawols and Korean A+ had reached a mutual agreement.
The KShawols were going to change to a different name and it seemed everything was all wrapped up...
However, SHINee does not know about this and said on a radio program that "Our fans named our dance move as 잔상춤 (JansangDance)" for them.
So now we are afraid of losing our Signature dance name as Shinee's popularity will probably override our claims if this goes further w/o their knowledge.
KA+ & KShawols have been tweeting this misunderstanding all day yesterday but the Radio thing has made us worry and realized it was crucial to let Shinee themselves know of the situation.
We are trying to protect what is so precious to us! It is more precious as YangLeader himself gave the name and we have been using this name from 'Y' as well.
'Y' and 'This is War' are the only songs we actually Won #1 with so this Signature dance name is more precious to us than ever.
Shinee is a very big group and we are afraid that now everyone will relate our precious name w/ Shinee instead of Mblaq. It is too precious and dear to our A+s heart to lose. Plz help RT the ACTUAL TWEET LINKED below as it has the original post linked and it is mentioned to one of Shinee's member themselves so that they can also be aware of our situation.
Thanks!! Hwaiting A+ & Mblaq!
Help RT this actual tweet please:!/aplus0727/status/183442123843043328
IA+ - internationa A+
KA+ - Korean A+
Я на полном серьезе к этому относиться не могу, если честно.