All I want 4 Xmas Is U
Я написала этот пост еще в пятницу, но запостить его так и не удалось в силу разных причин и обстоятельств. Сейчас это уже не так актуально, но удалять совсем жалко, я столько пыхтел над ним)))
Спасибо Кусику. Она знает, за что
The last song I heard yesterday was Ne-Yo's "So Sick" cover by C.N.Blue. And this morning after I woke up this song started to play in my mind. And it's still playing right now. I love this cover more than original because of Younghwa's voice. It's hard for me to describe it, but every time I hear him singing I can't resist from fallin in love with it. Again and again. Deeper and deeper. I know there are many singers with better voices and singing abilities, but it's not a reason for not loving him, right?
I'm so sick of that fucking plagiarism issue. Suddenly a lot of people realised that their lives will be meaningless if they don't blame author of "I'm a loner" in plagiarism or if they don't doubt C.N.Blue's status as a band. Well... Why so serious? Why so mean? I really don't get the reason of it. Maybe it's because they differ from other k-pop idol groups? They are not dancing, they are not wearing wild colouring clothes, they are playing drums and guitars, they are composing music & lyrics by themselves but they are very handsome, they are performing at popular tv-stations and topping pop-charts. However they dare to call themselves a band. It's unforgivable! They must die! It's such a pity that accusers are spending their free time for that meaningless things. They'd better do something more useful. Plant tree - save the Earth.
And another hot issue about C.N.Blue's manager that physically assaulted one of the group's fan. It's been only one month since their debut! How much hardship they need to endure in their way to success? I hope boys can overcome all the obstacles and troubles that come up in their way. I wish them good luck. Be stronger than anyone can imagine!
...I'm tired of this winter. No matter how loyal you are to the nature, anyway you are sick of snow and low temperature before it comes to an end.
I'm so sick of that fucking plagiarism issue. Suddenly a lot of people realised that their lives will be meaningless if they don't blame author of "I'm a loner" in plagiarism or if they don't doubt C.N.Blue's status as a band. Well... Why so serious? Why so mean? I really don't get the reason of it. Maybe it's because they differ from other k-pop idol groups? They are not dancing, they are not wearing wild colouring clothes, they are playing drums and guitars, they are composing music & lyrics by themselves but they are very handsome, they are performing at popular tv-stations and topping pop-charts. However they dare to call themselves a band. It's unforgivable! They must die! It's such a pity that accusers are spending their free time for that meaningless things. They'd better do something more useful. Plant tree - save the Earth.
And another hot issue about C.N.Blue's manager that physically assaulted one of the group's fan. It's been only one month since their debut! How much hardship they need to endure in their way to success? I hope boys can overcome all the obstacles and troubles that come up in their way. I wish them good luck. Be stronger than anyone can imagine!
...I'm tired of this winter. No matter how loyal you are to the nature, anyway you are sick of snow and low temperature before it comes to an end.
Спасибо Кусику. Она знает, за что

Hmm, not only simply neitizens but famouse artists too, unfortunately...
And, yes, it's very frustrating, but that is how it works..
А чё опять по английски?
Hmmm.. Maybee bcs I am not watching TV programs I thinked only neitizens spoke bad about it O_O. Surprised...
А так умнее выглядит
На самом деле иногда, совсем нечасто, у меня бывает желание
- выкурить сигарету;
- выпить чашечку кофе;
- написать на английском.
Курить я не курю в любом случае, как бы сильно не хотелось (да и вообще терпеть не могу запах табачного дыма), но вторым и третьим балуюсь. Когда я пишу пост на английском, это как-то помогает мне абстрагироваться от обсуждаемой темы, словно не я это пишу. Не более, чем иллюзия, конечно.
Well, maybe you know him, maybe not, but Shin Hae Chul spoke out about C.N.Blue.
А так умнее выглядит
Так и подумала
Shin Hae Chul hosted "It's Rainism" with Bi as a guest and through that program he created a very good impression on me.
Вот и со мной такое же случилось. Вроде ничё дядька, а потом такое ...
Язва. Недаром фанаты прозвали его "Люцифер" )))
В это верю - было понятно по глазам, скрытым под очками ))))
These days I feel something strange too... I go to sleep with a thought about JJ. And then I wake up - I "hear" his voice, and, especially, a song called "Doushite". It's so strange fot me, unreal. And I don't know what I shall do with it.
I can't resist from fallin in love with it.
I can't help thinking about videos I saw, I can't help singing his songs in my mind...
I know there are many singers with better voices and singing abilities
I undertand you perfectly. So do I.
I hope boys can overcome all the obstacles and troubles that come up in their way. I wish them good luck. Be stronger than anyone can imagine!
Yep, I'm sure they can. Don't be nervous ^^
One of my fav songs
And I don't know what I shall do with it.
You shouldn't do anything))) Just get pleasure out of it
*friend! put the arms around odango's neck*
Nya ~ Maybe you won't believe me but I really appeciate your opinion... And your "fav song" means too much for me.
You shouldn't do anything))) Just get pleasure out of it
You know, I've never been a fan of someone. And I think if you like someone and you like that he does - it's good. But it's not normal to think about him\her too much. And I feel that I'm crazy ^^ Like I'm going mad. I think we have to think about real people more than about actors and so on...
I think I should change my opinion on it. No. I must.
*chkusyia made a great WORK*
You know, I've never been a fan of someone. And I think if you like someone and you like that he does - it's good. But it's not normal to think about him\her too much
Do you remember my post about the same problem? (
So... I understand you perfectly too
I think I should change my opinion on it. No. I must.
Yes, my friend. We must do it. Together))) As soon as possible for the sake of our mental health
Eun Soo
Да, теперь им не нравится, что Ёнхва пихают во многие развлекательные тв-шоу...
Yay! I forgot about this post)))) It's quite interesting to read it again ^^ I found out a new meaning ^^ He-he-he.
As soon as possible for the sake of our mental health
Exactly ^^ Bwt, how about your trip to Moscow?
Bwt, how about your trip to Moscow?
Sorry, dear, but I can't
Eun Soo
Что может быть страшнее корейских фанатов?..
да уж. после петиции насчёт суицида Джебома... по идее не должно уже ничего удивлять.
Ты права. Ужас-ужас-ужас(((
I'm upset.
Me too
And before leaving I wanted to see all my friends... ;(
But anyway maybe I'll able to connect to internet. Let's see.
Maybe next time...